Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Soldier of God

An award-winning painting by a local artist:

I have no words.

(I don't know why it uploaded blue. If you want to see the actual version, click here.)


2nd day story said...

What an odd shadow.

Tim said...

I like that piece of art. It is the perfect portrayal of our current quagmire in SW Asia. The only thing that would make it better would be if the strung up man on the big T, was holding a 5 gallon gas can from his impaled hand.

R said...

sigh. Don't you love it when one individual religion is presented as justification for entirely secular actions? I hate sh!t like this. It does nothing good for anyone on any side involved... this craps on everyone.
As someone with dear friends currently deployed in Iraq, I don't like seeing a soldier presented as suicidally self-sacrificing; as a Christian, I don't like Jesus' crucifixion portrayed as being akin to a soldier ready for battle; as an American I don't like my military presented as having anything remotely related to a religious crusade.

These things baffle me...

Sarah O. said...

Amen - thanks for reading, estuff! Where are you from?

R said...

lol. I forgot that my name wasn't attached to this google/blogger handle.
It's Roya. :)